Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Turkey Taco Time!!!

Goodnight Readers,

I have to type this quickly because its 9:54 p.m. and Nashville is about to come on.  I was speaking to the best/only self-proclaimed little brother I have Robert while wandering aimlessly around Publix trying to decide what to eat for dinner when he suggested Tacos.  

I bought all the key ingredients then decided to look up some variations to make it a little different.  I eventually combined two of the ideas I found and then ate way too many Tacos.  I won't insult your intelligence and type out the directions for making tacos, as they can be found on any taco seasoning packet, but I will tell you how I made these my own.

First I added sliced onions and jalapenos (next time I'm using pickled Jalapenos, they're spicier) to the turkey meat with the seasoning for extra crunch and flavor.  Once the simmering was was over I put about 1 tablespoon of hot sauce and 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon into the meat mixture.  

I know what you're thinking, but I was pleasantly surprised.  As you can see I put my turkey on top instead of on the bottom, that's just how I prefer them, it helps the cheese melt a bit.

Okay, gotta go, show's starting...


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